Luis Mario
Luis Mario is 22 years old and is from Mazatlán. He is in his third year at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAdeO) university, studying Gastronomy. He likes cooking and playing soccer. He works part time at restaurants to earn money.
Graphic Design
Diego is 21 years old and is from Mazatlán. He is in his second year at Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Sinaloa university (ITESUS), studying Graphic Design. He loves the outdoors and works as a waiter to earn money.
Erick is 22 years old and was born in Mazatlán. He is in his second year at Universidad Autonóma de Sinaloa (UAS) university, studying Gastronomy. He loves cooking and helps out at Refugio Mazatlán often. He works as a chef to earn money.
Dental Technician
Daniel is 20 years old and was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. He is in his first year at Centro de Capacitaciones y Estudios Odontologicos (CCEO) to study to be a Dental Technician. He enjoys playing the guitar. He earns money by working as a waiter at a nearby restaurant.
Julián López is 19 years old and was born in Colima. He wants to be a responsible adult. He likes the gym and taking care of his physical health. He is in his first year studying Nutrition at Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa (UAS) university. He earns money by working as a waiter at a pizza restaurant.
Fishing Engineering
Garibaldi is 18 years old and was born in Teacapan, Sinaloa. He is an extroverted young man, with a desire to overcome all his obstacles and fears. He is in his first year of study in fisheries engineering at the Mazatlán Technological Institute (ITMAZ). He likes cooking and helping people.
Dental Technician
Heber is 19 years old and was born in Concordia Sinaloa. He likes sports and is very athletic. He in his first year of studies at the Center for Training and Dental Studies School (CCEO) as a Dental Technician. His desire is to finish his studies, work, and help his family. He earns money by working as a waiter.
Pastry Chef
Alexis is 19 years old and was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. He is passionate about cooking, particularly baking, and is in his first year of studies as a pastry chef at the Madeleine Gastronomic Institute. This was a dream that has had since he was very young. He likes to play sports especially soccer. He works as a photographer to earn money.